I Am Radiant Health
is a place to empower your best health. Say it to yourself often because the body responds to what you put in it… your thoughts, and great nutrition.
As a certified “Professor” of David Sandoval’s Academy of Learning – an education in naturopathy and phytochemistry from one of the worlds leaders – and as a caring mom and member of the Million Mom Movement, I cannot hold back the desire to share superfood solutions that can help us take charge of our own health.
Sometimes you just need to start with the basics to make a HUGE difference. The body knows how to heal itself given the right nutrition and love. When more toxins are cleansed out of the body than are taken in, then all systems can begin to function optimally via the body’s innate healing ability.
Then we begin to…
have greater energy,
improved mental clarity,
enJOY your healthy body
and maintain optimal weight.
And it starts with the first step. Keep it simple. Embrace transformation, at your pace, and keep on allowing the changes that lead to feeling AMAZING! Forgive and love yourself… and learn to eat better than what has become pseudo-food in our culture. Find out the best proteins you can eat, why green foods are so important, how to mitigate GMO’s and why it’s important to, the best ways to detox, and so much more to come.
I invite you to subscribe to my blog, and tune into what step you can take next on your journey to RADIANT HEALTH!

Best Protein Source, Ever… and it’s Vegan!
The Amazing Benefits of Purium’s Super Amino 23 Get your protein! Aids in normalizing protein synthesis. Muscle Recovery - Assists with the stabilization and recovery of muscle strength and endurance. Anti-Aging - Aids in keeping body tissues firm. Prevents flabby...

Good Greens
Good Greens Food Challenges "Among U.S. adults, more than 90 percent of type 2 diabetes, 80 percent of CAD, 70 percent of stroke, and 70 percent of colon cancer are potentially preventable by a combination of nonsmoking, avoidance of overweight, moderate physical...

GMO Repair
These compelling videos outline a major problem in our food system. As a parent, I find it necessary to bring light to this epidemic problem and offer solutions out of concern for babies, children and adults. It may not happen overnight, but each step we take...