Good Greens
Food Challenges
“Among U.S. adults, more than 90 percent of type 2 diabetes, 80 percent of CAD, 70 percent of stroke, and 70 percent of colon cancer are potentially preventable by a combination of nonsmoking, avoidance of overweight, moderate physical activity, healthy diet, and moderate alcohol consumption (Willett 2002).”
The Standard American Diet (SAD) supports food and other addictions that contribute to disease. Fresh, living, organic, nutrient-dense, mineral rich greens are very challenging to find in most of the world’s large, commonly used grocery stores and food markets.
The average american is terribly under-nourished, even though obesity and overconsumption of food is at an all time high. Children are especially in need of high quality nutrition for their development in any part of the world.
Green Solution
“Green foods heal.” – David Sandoval in The Green Foods Bible
Green superfoods are real foods, unlike synthetic or isolated vitamins and minerals or processed foods. Fresh, living, organic, mineral-rich, nutrient-dense greens are what the body needs to feed cells, energize and activate repair in the body. When the body is fully nourished, cravings to addictive foods and other substances is greatly diminished!
Green foods contain all of the enzymes and minerals required for Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), THE master antioxidant, to start a chain reaction of enzymes that dis-mutate (destroy) very damaging super oxides.
Sunlight contains UV (ultra-violet) and radioactive energy… since plants with chlorophyll have to absorb these energies all day every day, they have the phytochemistry (plant chemistry) to deal with the damage to cells from UV and Radioactivity. Generally speaking, whatever plant has the most chlorophyll (dark green pigments) has the most SOD. The plant highest in chlorophyll is chlorella. Make sure you are taking cracked cell chlorella that is unheated, organic and cracked with sonic frequencies for highest purity and absorbtion.

Percent of Chlorella's chlorophyll content above grass juices
Number of Spirulina's health-promoting nutrients
Green Barley Grass Juice repairs DNA 3 times faster than normal
Percent of Alfalfa Leaf Juice's nutrients that the body needs to survive!
Grass Juices
Wheatgrass Juice
Barley Grass Juice
Alfalfa Leaf Juice
The Green Foods Bible
Everything you need to know about barley grass, wheatgrass, Kamut, chlorella, spirulina and more
- Based on decades of research by David Sandoval
- Comprehensive info on green foods
- Contains scientifically validated information
- Informative yet easy to read
The Real Truth About Vitamins & Antioxidants
DeCava, backed by solid scientific research, also explains why synthetic supplements do not and cannot simulate the actions of true vitamins but instead behave more like pharmaceutical drugs in the body. And she also discusses why and how we have been misled to believe that unnatural, synthetic supplements (i.e., almost every “vitamin” you find in the health food store) are identical to the nutrients found in real, whole food.
Says acclaimed health expert Mark R. Anderson, “For more than twenty-five years, Judith De Cava has been a voice of sanity, science, and salience in her writings on nutrition. She has fought through the hype and clamor that overwhelms so much of the field of nutrition and natural therapeutics. Her guiding principle—that whole foods make whole people—always informs her research and writings, working to expose a food industry that has deceived the world for more than a hundred years. She knows her history and illuminates the distortions of fundamental fact that have created the unhealthiest civilization in history.”
Great article!
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